Beauty in Simplicity
“Elegance is achieved when all that is superfluous has been discarded and the human being discovers simplicity and concentration: the simpler and more sober the posture, the more beautiful it will be.” - Paulo Coelho
Simplicity is a breath of fresh air in a time of ornamentation.
We live in a world of excess. As consumers we flock to that which is newer, more impressive, that will fill up the void in our lives with gadgets and gizmos. Have you noticed, though, how quickly the novelty of bells and whistles wears off? How quickly we lose interest in that which once captivated us: on to the next trend, fad or distraction.
The things in our lives that last, that we take along life’s journey for years and years, are those that are grounded in simplicity and function.
For an item to have true value, it must perform its function to the fullest. Its craftsmanship must be of the utmost quality, from core structure to exterior decoration. Not only does each component of its design serves a purpose, it tells a story.
And what makes simplicity beautiful, you ask? When something is designed with simplicity in mind, not just with a facade of clean lines and uncluttered surfaces, it means that the designer knows the essence of every finished piece: every part, every surface, joint, and closure. With this in mind, you can see how simplicity in design is deceptively complex. Achieving simplicity is the ultimate design challenge. Those who execute it well become visionaries; those who wear it become icons.
These are the pieces that last. These are the pieces we cherish. This is Zadeh.
By: Catherine M. Zadeh