Observing. Absorbing.

Blogging away in Zadeh: featuring the Santos Malo and San Remo bracelets.
In my life I’ve never been as passionate about anything as I am about horses. As a true lover of equestrian sports, I couldn’t ask for a better office view as I write this post.
I’ve never been destined for a 9-5 desk job life; it doesn’t suit me and I feel stifled by the rigidity of corporate culture. For the last six years of my post-collegiate life I was lucky enough to live and work on the elite equestrian circuit. I traveled nationally and internationally to beautiful show venues, populated by beautiful people with a shared love and reverence for the equine athlete.
This is why working with Catherine was so intriguing to me. In my short time here I can tell no two days are the same. There is flexibility and creativity and out-of-the-box thinking that is both infectious and thrilling.
Though it’s only been a few weeks on the job, I can see Catherine in each design displayed here at our booth. Her vision permeates each piece, and I marvel at the care and love she shows for every one. Each piece is unique. There are no duplicates at Zadeh NY. Catherine treats them as individuals, with distinct qualities and personalities. That is what makes her unique.
As I acclimate to life at Zadeh, I can’t help but stop and think of how fortunate I am to be doing the work I’m doing. There are elements of familiarity intertwined with exciting challenges. I’m spending each second absorbing, as if through osmosis, what it means to be Zadeh. I’m learning everything there is to know about Catherine’s voice. In my role here it’s as important for me to know the designer as it is to know her product.
The sun is shining. The palm trees sway above me. I just watched Catherine transform a customer’s whole aesthetic with a simple pendant necklace. I am surrounded by so much passion for life and work and creativity, it’s almost intoxicating.
What more could a girl ask for?
- Siri Dupont-Hurley