Water Mill renovation
Renovating. If you think about it, it is quite a painful endeavor for most. But for me it is just another way to allow my soul to soar. I love the process of visualizing a space and making the magic happen. I take it as just another medium to express my creativity, a virgin canvas where I use different paintbrushes and apply colors and texture to make a harmonious installation. My new home in Water Mill, New York is my new canvas. When I first saw the house two years ago, I saw a worn out shell, the kind of shell you hardly notice at the beach. What most people don’t see is what could happen if you polish it up a bit…or a lot, what can happen when you dare to reinvent and be bold. The moment you realize what something could be, instead of what something is, marks the moment you make your home your own. With the help of my husband, I embarked on the first stage of the renovation, the outdoor space. With his patience and infallible support, (It is not easy working with a precarious artist, ideas come and go…) I created a serene space, wide and spacious, and filled with light.
Decorated with the Belvedere collection from Restoration Hardware, the place is infused with peace and has a Zen like quality. Restoration Hardware: you might know them as the home furnishings marketplace extraordinaire. To me the place is synonymous with opportunity. These curators of historical design recently took a chance on my modern take on elegance and the understated, and commissioned a small collection of simple yet chic bracelets to feature in their last Holiday catalog. So what better way to mold my home, my canvas, than using the very designs that bolstered my own? I was very kindly described by them as, “a jewelry designer, but could just as easily have been an architect, an interior designer or even a sculptor.” They indeed understood that my jewelry with its structured simplicity could fit harmoniously within their aesthetic and as we originated from two different art expressions, we were able to see beauty in things we ourselves could not create. What started off with one Macramé bracelet engraved with the word Believe for Restoration Hardware CEO, Gary Friedman, led to the wonderful partnership we have now. Together, we did believe, in each other.